Don’t want to deep-dive? Here’s everything in non-rambling detail form.
- DMing is easier than playing. The math is easier, combat decisions are easier, the whole thing is much more straightforward than you’re expecting. Plus your players are rooting for you!
- You don’t have to memorize all the rules. If a player asks to do something sus, simply say “I’ll allow it now, and look it up later.” (Half the time they’re right anyway.)
- If homebrewing, it’s super easy to get wrapped up into details that you don’t need. (Fun, too.) But this doesn’t mean that your players will appreciate it. Try not to spend hours detailing something. And when you fail, don’t expect your players to read all your stuff.
- YOU pick the time and place of your games. Asking “when’s a good time is for everyone?” is an ever-tempting exercise in futility.
- Unless you have literally one player, a “one shot” will take 2-3 sessions.
- It’s your first time DMing. You are well within your rights to limit PC options. You can insist on only pregens. You can also insist on “just the PHB” or “just the PHB and fancy races” or anything else, really.
- Don’t allow evil characters.
- Keep the party small if you want, but if there’s a veteran you trust to help new players, LET THIS PERSON PLAY. It’s well worth the extra chair.
- If players have a problem, shunt your fear of conflict off to the side and deal with it before the next sesh.